Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The World Without Humans

The World Without Humans

Our world is a better place for all creatures. A world without humans seems to be impossible, just like a pizza without cheese. Still eatable but would not taste better like with cheese. Jokes apart, what I mean to say is, without human involvement, the world would be incomplete. However, thinking about the current conditions of the natural habitat and weather conditions, it seems the world would be good without humans and a better place for animals, plants, and nature. We, humans, have become so selfish that we just think about our civilization, our industrialization, and our self benefits without caring about our motherly nature. We are deforesting and taking the homes of all animals out there and making houses and industries for humans. But we are not understanding that the food and all the supplies that we are currently using are all produced by trees, plants animals, and other creatures. We humans will be the only reason for the extinction of the animals, birds, and many other creatures if this continues. 

If we think logically the world without humans is impossible. Let's take humans as a wheel of a wheel-cart, and see if that wheel cart will be able to move without getting imbalance. Likewise, without humans, the world would not be in balance. Humans are the wheel to balance nature which includes the food chain and are the most intelligent creature of the world who can think logically and act responsibly if they want. They can work for a better and progressive world with proper civilization and industrialization plans. Humans, if they want, can think of better ways to flourish the earth.

We, humans, have polluted waters seas land, and air by using them all for our benefits which are continuously harming the animals, birds, and many other creatures in our environment. Not only because of the pollution we do but also the large buildings we design are causing problems for the birds. Many chemical gasses that are released from the industries have a more severe effect on the animals, birds, and the whole environment. All our activities, be it minor for us, has large negative effects on the environment that we live in which creates a huge problem for the survival of all the creatures.

So, it would be better if we start to aware ourselves to conserve our world rather than starting to imagine the world without us. We should limit our activities that directly or indirectly affect nature. If we do not take this seriously now, nature will find its way to clean up itself without thinking of the humankind in existence. So, let's stop messing up the world and create a better place for all the creatures to live in. 

- Daisy